Hilda & Preston Davis Foundation - Application
Grantmaking Guidelines
Copyright 2012 Hilda & Preston Davis Foundation
NOTE: For information on applying to the Davis Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Eating Disorders Research,
please click here.

Application Instructions
• Letters of Inquiry are unnecessary. This application is the appropriate first step in submitting a grant request.
• The foundation's administrative staff is happy to help with technical questions about the application process but is unable to provide guidance on the fit of the grantee or the structure of the request.
• The Hilda & Preston Davis Foundation's on-line grant application form has been divided into three sections: Organization
Information; Contact Information; and Proposal Information. Each applicant is requested to fill in all three sections prior to
the submission of their grant request. Within each section there are both required and optional fields. Please note that all
required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) as indicated in the list of fields presented below.
• If during an on-line grant application session, time or other constraints preclude you from completing all sections of the
application form and submitting your request, a "Save" feature is provide so that you may return to this application session at a
later date. Required to perform the "Save" function is an email address and a self-assigned password.
• If you previously started and/or submitted an application, you can access the account you created with your email and
password by clicking here.
NOTE: If you encounter problems accessing the online application form, please see the Troubleshooting section below.
If you are having trouble accessing the application form, please click here for a Word document version. You can email
the responses from this printed form, along with your budgets, to davis@fsllc.net. If you have additional problems or questions, please visit the
Contact page. Alternatively, you may send an email to Foundation Services with your responses to the following
questions. Listed by section, the information requested within the Grant Application Form is as follows:
Organization Information
Organization Name(*):
Also Known As:
Tax Status:
Tax Status Date:
Street Address(*):
Zip/Postal Code(*):
Main Phone:
Website Address:
Focus and Geographic Emphasis:
Are you a Charitable Organization? If so, what is your EIN?(*):
Annual Budget (for the current year):
Contact Information
First Name(*):
Last Name(*):
Office Phone(*):
Cell Phone:
Proposal Information
Request Date(*):
Request Amount(*):
Project Title(*):
Project Description(*):
Project Budget(*):
Project Program Area:
Helpful Tips
• Whenever possible, grant requests should be made using the Grant Application Form. If you are unable to access the
application, please review the Troubleshooting section.
• Prior to proceeding to the Online Grant Application, please make sure you have reviewed the Foundation's Guidelines to
ensure that the application will receive the consideration that it deserves.
• Applicants should be as concise as possible when responding to all grant application questions. It may be helpful to review
the information provided in the Instructions section, formulate responses, and then proceed to the Grant Application Form.
It may also be helpful to type out your responses in a separate word processing program and then copy that information
directly into the appropriate place on the application.
• Should any questions remain after reviewing the Foundation's guiding principles and guidelines, the applicant should
contact Foundation Services prior to submitting its grant application.
Application Form
NOTE: If, during an on-line grant application session, time or other constraints preclude you from completing all sections of
the application form and submitting your request, a "Save" feature is provide so that you may return to this application
session at a later date. Required to perform the "Save" function is an email address and a self assigned password. You will
receive an email from "Foundation Services LLC" [info@fsllc.net] which will contain a reminder of your chosen password and
a link back to your application.